Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hadiri Training Online GRATIS yang dibawakan oleh Vick Striheus dan Big Idea Mastermind!
"Strategi tingkat tinggi untuk mendatangkan Traffic dengan Cepat"
Tgl 20 Nov jam 8 pagi waktu Jakarta

Kamu akan belajar metode tingkat tinggi untuk mendatangkan Traffic dengan Cepat.

Register dulu ya disini..

100% FREE and NO Credit Card Required..

Free Training From Vick Strizheus and Big IDea Mastermind!
"Advanced Traffic-Getting Strategies That Get Tons Of Traffic FAST"
When? Tuesday, Nov 19th @9PM EST
(Jakarta Time: Nov 20 jam 8 pagi)

You'll Learn Advanced Traffic Getting Methods That WORK and
Can Get You Tons of Traffic FAST.

You must Register to GET Login..

100% FREE and NO Credit Card Required..

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Is Steve Jobs Crazy? LOL

Ketika Steve Jobs pertama kali datang dengan ide
dari komputer MacIntosh, orang mengira dia gila.

Ketika ia berbicara tentang ide dan iTunes
iPod, orang mengira dia sudah gila.

Ketika dia datang dengan ide Apple Store
dan terorganisir dalam cara yang benar-benar
kebalikan dari toko normal, orang mengira dia adalah orang bodoh.

Dia mungkin juga telah menari ayam funky di jalanan!

Tapi, apa yang terjadi?

Dia benar-benar merevolusi ...

- Industri Komputer
- Industri Musik
- Industri Ritel

Tidak begitu gila setelah semuanya, ya?

Ada banyak orang dalam hidup Anda yang akan memberitahu Anda 
bahwa ide-ide Anda adalah hal2 yang bodoh, bahwa mereka tidak 
akan pernah bisa mewjudkannya, bahwa ide-ide Anda akan membawa 
Anda ke rumah sakit jiwa tersebut.

Anda dapat memilih untuk mendengarkan mereka dan hidup membosankan  
(seperti mereka yang mungkin melakukannya).

Atau Anda dapat GO FOR IT dan mencoba ide-ide Anda dan
Berpotensi untuk mengubah dunia.

Pilihan Anda.

Ini untuk MENGUBAH DUNIA, Take your Massive Action!
When Steve Jobs first came up with the idea
of the MacIntosh computer, people thought 
he was crazy.

When he talked about the idea of iTunes and 
the iPod, people thought he was nuts. 

When he came up with the idea the Apple Store 
and organized it in a way that was completely 
opposite of normal retail, people thought he was a loon.

He may as well have danced the funky chicken in the

But, what happened?

He completely revolutionized...

- The Computer Industry
- The Music Industry
- The Retail Industry

Not so crazy after all, huh?

There are plenty of people in your life who are going
To tell you that your ideas are total BS, that they'll never
Fly, that your ideas will take you to the nuthouse. 

You can either choose to listen to them and live
A boring life (like they probably do).

Or you can GO FOR IT and try your ideas and 
Potentially change the world.

Your choice.


Monday, August 12, 2013

Big Idea Mastermind Level

Seperti yang sebelumnya kutulis. Bila kamu berminat join Empower Network di team saya, maka kamu berhak join di grupnya Big Idea Mastermind GRATIS (value of $497 per month or $5,000 per year).

Nah sekarang, kita lihat yuk, dapat apa aja kalau bergabung di tim nya Big Idea Mastermind..

The Plan

As promised, when you join BIM, your Big Idea Mastermind membership fee ($497/mo) will be waived for life, but in order to make money using our marketing system, you still need to position yourself in the compensation plan with Empower Network. (Remember, Empower Network is a vehicle and BIM is the engine)
I highly recommend getting positioned at the highest level possible so that you can make the most amount of money possible starting right away. This is very important. 95% of your success will depend on where and how you position yourself on the compensation plan. So do what you can to get the best positioning possible.
Plus, the higher you position yourself on the compensation plan, not only will you earn more money per sale (and therefore reach your goal a lot faster) - you will also gain access to higher levels of Big Idea Mastermind, reaching all the way up to the Diamond Level, which is ultimately where you want to be at.

The Breakdown

There are 5 different levels (products) with Empower Network and they correspond with 5 levels in the Big Idea Mastermind. Here’s a full breakdown of what you get with each level and how much money you will earn by positioning yourself at that level:

BIM Basic Level:
(corresponds to Empower Network basic $25/mo level.
Total Investment = $25.00)

(do this ONLY if there is absolutely no way you can get to any of the higher levels. If you stay here, you will need 200 sales per month to earn $5,000/mo Income. It’s doable, but will require a LOT of work to get that many sales per month.)

With Basic Level You Get:

  • Ability to earn $25 per sale (monthly recurring)
  • Empower Network blogging platform
  • Big Idea Mastermind Automated Marketing System
  • BIM Success Coaching
    • Les Brown
    • Brian Tracy
    • Jack Canfield
    • Bob Proctor
    • and many others!
  • BIM Internet Marketing Mastery
    • Internet Marketing 101
    • The 6 Figure Blueprint (full addition)
    • Traffic Generation Fast Start
    • List Building

BIM Silver Level:
(you get this by purchasing EN basic $25 product + Inner Circle.
Total Investment = $125)

(this is a step-up, but you don’t want to stay here unless you absolutely can’t go to the next level. If you stay here, you will need 40 sales per month to hit your goal of $5,000/ mo income. Settling for this level is not recommended unless that’s where you want to be.)

With Silver Level You Get:

  • Ability to earn $125 per sale (monthly recurring)
  • Empower Network blogging platform
  • Empower Network Inner Circle Trainings (really good stuff!)
  • Big Idea Mastermind Automated Marketing / Sales System
  • BIM Success Coaching
  • BIM Internet Marketing Mastery
  • BIM Weekly Training Webinars (exclusive to Silver members only)
  • BIM Paid Traffic Mastery 1 (specific methods to getting low cost traffic NOW)
  • BIM Free Traffic Mastery (specific methods to getting 100% free traffic NOW)
  • 24/7 Access To All BIM Weekly Webinar Recordings

BIM Gold Level:
(you get this by purchasing EN basic $25 product + Inner Circle +
Costa Rica Intensive. Total Investment = $625)

(I recommend this level as a bare minimum starting point. In order for you to hit your goal of $5,000/mo income, you will need 8 sales per month as opposed to 40 sales that you would need in Silver Level above.)

Here’s What You Get With Gold Level:

  • Ability To Earn $625 Per Sale Plus $125/Mo. recurring!
  • Empower Network blogging platform
  • Empower Network Inner Circle Trainings (really good stuff!)
  • Empower Network Costa Rica Intensive ($4,000 value)
  • Big Idea Mastermind Automated Custom Marketing / Sales System
  • BIM Success Coaching
  • BIM Internet Marketing Mastery
  • BIM Weekly Training Webinars (exclusive to Gold members only)
  • BIM Paid Traffic Mastery 1 (specific methods to getting low cost traffic NOW)
  • BIM Free Traffic Mastery (specific methods to getting 100% free traffic NOW)
  • 24/7 Access To All BIM Weekly Webinar Recordings
  • BIM Software Suite (tools that will help you run your business 10 times faster!)
  • Ability To Participate In Big Idea Mastermind Team Co-Ops.

BIM Platinum Level:
(you get this by purchasing EN basic $25 product + Inner Circle +
Costa Rica Intensive + $15K Formula. Total Investment $1,622)

(Welcome to the big-players club! If you’re here, I believe it will be almost impossible for you to fail because you get access to my proprietary exclusive "30 Days To $10K Program" - a step-by-step daily guide that shows you exactly what to do each day to build $10K/mo income within your first 30 days. It will be very easy to do because you only need 3 sales per month to hit your goal of $5,000/mo income! Compare that to 200 sales, 40 sales or 8 sales that you would need if you stayed at any of the above (lower) levels.
I believe ANYBODY can get 3 sales per month! It’s just super easy to do!
Positioning yourself here is highly recommended. In fact, make this investment in yourself and get into Platinum because it will pay off BIG ... very quickly.)

Here’s What You Get In Platinum:

  • Ability To Earn $1,622 per Sale Plus $125/Mo. recurring! (NICE!)
  • Empower Network Blogging Platform
  • Empower Network Inner Circle Trainings (really good stuff!)
  • Empower Network Costa Rica Intensive ($4,000 value)
  • Empower Network “$15K Formula”
  • Big Idea Mastermind Automated Custom Marketing / Sales System
  • BIM Success Coaching
  • BIM Internet Marketing Mastery
  • BIM Weekly Training Webinars (exclusive to Platinum members only)
  • BIM Paid Traffic Mastery 1 (specific methods for getting low cost traffic NOW)
  • BIM Free Traffic Mastery (specific methods for getting 100% free traffic NOW)
  • BIM Paid Traffic Mastery 2 (advanced traffic sources reserved only for Platinum members)
  • 24/7 Access To All BIM Weekly Webinar Recordings
  • BIM Software Suite (tools that will help you run your business 10 times faster!)
  • Ability To Participate In Big Idea Mastermind Team Co-Ops.
  • “30 Days To $10K” Program (step-by-step daily guide for building at least $10K within your first 30 days. LIFE CHANGING to say the least! You really need this.)
  • 1 FREE Share In Our $10,000 Co-Op to help you jump start your business and hit the ground running.

BIM Diamond Level:
(you get this by purchasing EN basic $25 product + Inner Circle +
Costa Rica Intensive + $15K Formula + Masters Retreat. Total Investment $5,122)

(This is NOT for everyone. This is only for those who want to instantly raise above the noise of the “majority” and go straight to the top in style. Instantly position yourself at the pinnacle. This is the Millionaire’s League.
This level is for the special Elite ... for those who want to earn a minimum of $250,000 in the next 6 - 12 months. I personally couldn’t have earned over $1,000,000.00 in less than 90 days if I wasn’t positioned at the Diamond Level. It’s a BIG deal.)

Here’s What You Get In Diamond:

  • Ability To Earn $4,622.00 Per Sale Plus $125/Mo. recurring! (Oh Yeah!)
  • Empower Network Blogging Platform
  • Empower Network Inner Circle Trainings (really good stuff!)
  • Empower Network Costa Rica Intensive ($4,000 value)
  • Empower Network “$15K Formula”
  • Empower Network Masters Retreat
  • Big Idea Mastermind Automated Custom
  • BIM Success Coaching
  • BIM Internet Marketing Mastery
  • BIM Weekly Training Webinars (exclusive to Platinum members only)
  • BIM Paid Traffic Mastery 1 (specific methods to getting low cost traffic NOW)
  • BIM Free Traffic Mastery (specific methods to getting 100% free traffic NOW)
  • BIM Paid Traffic Mastery 2 (advanced traffic sources reserved only for Diamond members)
  • 24/7 Access To All BIM Weekly Webinar Recordings
  • BIM Software Suite (tools that will help you run your business 10 times faster!)
  • Ability To Participate In Big Idea Mastermind Team Co-Ops
  • “30 Days To $10K” Program (step-by-step daily guide for building at least $10K within your first 30 days. LIFE CHANGING to say the least! You really need this.)
  • 1 FREE Share In Our $10,000 Co-Op to help you jump start your business and hit the ground running.
  • Access To High Traffic Academy Masters Course (Versions 1 & 2. $1,997 value)
  • Diamond Monthly Mastermind Advanced Trainings (reserved only for Diamond members.)
  • Introduction To The Most Secret Traffic Networks In Existence (reserved only for my $20K private clients)
  • Invitation To A Private Million Dollar Diamond Mastermind Party In Hawaii (last week of May. Exact date will be announced shortly.)

Here’s What You Need To Do Next:

Your next step right now is to position yourself on the Compensation Plan with Empower Network.
Do you want to earn $25 per sale or do you want to earn $4,622.00 per sale?
I think the answer is obvious and you know exactly what you need to do.
Click the button below and you will be taken directly to the payment page for the basic level where you will pay $25.
Then, simply follow instructions and get yourself positioned at higher levels.
The higher you position yourself, the more money you will make, the faster.

Remember, you will spend the money else where anyway, why not invest it in yourself and completely transform your life in 2013 and beyond!
This is the beginning of something GREAT.
It”s a movement.
We are making a HUGE difference in the industry and changing thousands of lives for the better.
Join us and let’s make HISTORY together!
You DESERVE to have the absolute best life has to offer.

It’s YOUR time to finally break through and become the next big success story!

Click this button and get started NOW:

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Big Idea Mastermind Sneak Preview

 Penasaran mengapa kamu harus join Empower Network di team saya di Big Idea Mastermind?
Yuk kita lihat ada apa di web nya BIM.. :)

Ok, now you decided to join Empower Network (EN), but before you do that…
I suggest you to join under BIM (Big Idea Mastermind) members.
I’m a member of BIM with Vick Strizheus (the founder of BIM) directly as my sponsor.
Come join us and allow us to help you earn a substantial income and achieve your dreams.
All the information you need is on the website (after you joining BIM, of course..).
This is an absolutely amazing opportunity, and now is the best time ever to get in.
Vick has currently set the price to $497 per month or $5000 per year for BIM,
but if you join through this website (, Vick will waive the fee.
If you’re serious about making your own income, if you seriously wish to be making a 6-figure income by the end of this year, if you want to be a part of Vick’s latest internet masterpiece, then get started here today for only $25 per month (this is for joining Empower Network).
With the contents of the Big Idea Mastermind, believe me when I say that it’s a very small price to have to pay for something so massive. So click on the website link (, join now and start earning as soon as today!

Here’s the sneak preview at BIM website..  It’s also have the BIM song and pledge..

It give you success coaching with the world’s best!

Have 101 Marketing, 6 Figure Blueprint, Traffic Generation Fast Start, and how to build your list building.. wow..  

And it give you the Coaching Video Library 
from the world’s best!

So, what you’re waiting for? Take ACTION TODAY!
You can join us today at
You are in the right path!

FAQ tentang Empower Network

Well, bila kamu sudah membaca semua isi website ini tentang Empower Network dan masih bingung..? Ini ada beberapa pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan oleh para peminat sebelum mereka bergabung ke team saya di Big Idea Mastermind.

1. Apakah Empower Network ini merupakan MLM atau Network Marketing?

Saya akan jawab YA dan TIDAK. YA, karena sistem sponsoring dan penghasilan pasif income nya. Marketing Plan dari Empower Network adalah Powerline System, dimana sponsor anda hanya mendapatkan komisi dari downline anda yang ke 2,4,6, dan 1 orang dari setiap 5 orang yang anda sponsori. Dan TIDAK, karena di Empower Network tidak ada sistem tutup point dalam jumlah tertentu untuk mendapatkan komisi.

2. Apakah ada biaya lain untuk bergabung di bisnis Empower Network?

Tidak ada biaya tambahan lain jika anda ingin bergabung di semua level, hanya saja jika anda berniat untuk menjadi affiliate untuk dapat menjual kembali produk Empower Network, anda harus membuka merchant account sebesar $19.95 per bulan. Merchant Account ini berguna untuk menerima komisi dari penjualan anda.

Selain merchant account, anda disarankan membuka account auto responder (saya sarankan di Get Response biayanya $15 per bulan untuk level terendah). Jangan lupa anda bisa dapatkan FREE $30 Credit Get Response, click link ini. 

Selain yang disebutkan diatas, mungkin diperlukan biaya untuk advertising (bisa menggunakan PPC, PPV, Solo Ads, dll). Ini optional, tapi semakin baik traffic anda, semakin besar kemungkinan anda mendapatkan sales.

3. Bagaimana mungkin perusahaan Empower Network mendapatkan keuntungan, jika semua membernya mendapatkan komisi 100%?

Empower Network tidak mengambil keuntungan apa-apa dari setiap penjualan, ini dimungkinkan karena adanya biaya affiliates fee sebesar $19.95 setiap bulannya. Ini untuk menutup biaya operasional Empower Network seperti biaya merchant account, gaji para pegawai staff Empower Network (Customer Service, Programmer, Web-design, dll).

4. Mudahkah bila sewaktu-waktu saya mau berhenti dari bisnis Empower Network ini?
Yup, mudah sekali. Anda hanya mengklik tombol 'terminate account' di back office anda.

5. Apakah saya perlu mengetahui ilmu khusus untuk bisa berhasil dalam bisnis Empower Network ini?
Tidak, tapi anda harus punya keinginan yang kuat untuk sukses dan mau belajar. Tugas anda hanya membuat blog, dan mengenalkan tentang peluang bisnis ini ke teman-teman anda. Anda juga akan belajar banyak tentang personal development dan hal lainnya bila bergabung di team saya di Big Idea Mastermind Indonesia.

6. Apakah ada biaya tambahan bila saya bergabung di tim anda di Big Idea Mastermind?
Big Idea Mastermind selama ini masih GRATIS, bila anda mau cepat bergabung. Syaratnya hanya anda join di Empower Network. Nantinya Big Idea Mastermind akan dikenakan charge $497 per bulan atau $5,000 per tahun buat non-member. Tapi bila anda bergabung dengan Empower Network di team BIM maka, biaya itu akan di-GRATIS-kan. Makanya buruan, cepat ambil peluang yang ada.

7. Saya sudah bergabung di team lain, bisakah saya join di teamnya Big Idea Mastermind?
Well, sorry banget kukatakan tidak bisa. Option yang bisa anda ambil hanya men-terminate account Empower Network anda, dan tunggu hingga 6 bulan, dan bergabung lagi dengan orang yang sudah menjadi anggota BIM. Atau bisa juga anda join di bawah nama lain (bisa memakai nama pasangan anda).

8. Apakah ada garansi akan menghasilkan uang di bisnis Empower Network ini?
Selama yang saya tahu, tidak ada bisnis yang memberikan garansi. Empower Network tidak memberikan garansi anda akan menghasilkan uang dari bisnis ini, karena semuanya bergantung pada kerja keras dan tekad kuat anda. Tapi untuk mengetahui rata-rata penghasilan orang dari bisnis ini, bisa melihat dari income disclaimer yang selalu diupdate oleh Empower Network. Income Disclaimer Empower Network.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Empower Network Success Proof

 Bukti Sukses Bisnis Empower Network

Bisnis Empower Network telah banyak merubah kehidupan finansial banyak orang di seluruh dunia. Berlatar belakang dari berbagai profesi (dokter, arsitek, pekerja kantoran, bisnisman, ibu rumah tangga hingga ke tukang bangunan dan para pengangguran).

Berikut adalah bukti nyata bahwa Empower Network bukanlah bisnis scam, atau penipuan. Bisnis ini adalah nyata dan bisa dijalankan oleh siapa saja.  
Real people with Real Money..

Jangan lupa, hasil pendapatan tiap orang tidaklah sama (not typical), dan EN tidak memberikan garansi anda akan mendapatkan penghasilan yang sama (tergantung dari usaha dan kerja keras anda). Ini bukanlah bisnis 'get rich quick', tapi tetap diperlukan usaha dan kerja keras pantang menyerah anda.

Bila anda berpikir ingin bergabung dengan bisnis Empower Network, dan berharap anda akan langsung mendapatkan uang tanpa kerja apa-apa , maka anda tidak cocok untuk bergabung di bisnis ini. TAPI, bila anda adalah seorang yang ulet, tekun, dan berani membayar untuk kesuksesan anda, maka anda TEPAT untuk bergabung di Empower Network ini.

Apakah anda serius mau sukses? Take Action NOW!

Empower Network Compensation Plan

Sekarang kita bahas Empower Network Compensation Plan
Sebelumnya coba tonton video dibawah ini..

Bila kamu Ready to Take Action, bisa langsung click banner dibawah ini..

Masih bingung to Take ACTION? 
OK, ini ku-recap point2 'why you should join this program'.

1. Komisi 100% instan
Bila anda adalah seorang affiliate program internet marketing atau member MLM lainnya, anda tentu tahu kalau anda tidak langsung dibayar pada saat itu juga (anda perlu menunggu waktu 30-60 hari untuk dapat menerima komisi anda), dan bahkan anda perlu memiliki kualifikasi tutup point untuk menghasilkan komisi.

Dan adakah yang membayar 100% komisi setelah anda bekerja keras mempromosikan produk itu? Biasanya produk MLM hanya memberikan 15-30% dari komisinya. Nah, bila ada produk yang dapat memberikan anda komisi 100%, mana yang akan anda pilih untuk bergabung?

Empower Network memberikan the best produk dan marketing plan. Empower Network Compensation Plan memberikan anda kesempatan untuk menghasilkan $25, $100, $500, $1,000 , $3,500 secara instan melalui automated sales system.

2. Dengan 3 langkah sederhana (blog daily, tell others, and get money), maka anda memiliki kesempatan untuk meraih instan komisi untuk setiap orang yang anda kenalkan ke Empower Network.

Pastikan anda menonton video diatas untuk melihat bagaimana mudah dan efektifnya mendapatkan uang dari bisnis Empower Network.

3. Kelebihan bisnis Empower Network:
- Komisi 100%
-  Modal kembali hanya dengan mensponsori 1 orang.
- Pembayaran instan. Semua members mendapatkan merchant account pribadi, sehingga setiap pembayaran komisi yang dihasilkan, langsung masuk ke account anda.
- Penambahan income melalui 'pass-up' compensation plan (lihat video diatas). Pastikan anda Get in di level tertinggi, sehingga anda tidak melewatkan komisi anda.
- Penghasilan komisi pasif sebesar $25/$100 setiap bulan dari orang yang anda sponsori.

So, dengan marketing compensation plan Empower Network, 
your potential income is LIMITLESS!

Jika anda hanya mensponsori 1 orang saja, dan orang yang anda sponsori juga mensponsori 1 orang, maka anda dan teman anda sudah balik modal. Dan tidak ada alasan untuk anda dan teman anda berhenti dari bisnis Empower Network ini.

Berbeda dengan cara bisnis MLM lain, yang mengharuskan anda untuk tutup poin dengan cara belanja sendiri atau berjualan produk MLM lainnya. Di bisnis Empower Network anda tidak perlu melakukan tutup poin.

Just for your info, bila anda tertarik untuk join di team saya, tidak saja anda akan menjadi member Empower Network, tetapi anda akan otomatis juga menjadi member Big Idea Mastermind/BIM (owned by Vick Strizheus, dimana ia adalah orang pertama sebagai top earner di Empower Network dan orang pertama juga yang mendapatkan Millionaires Ring di event Denver yang diselenggarakan July 2013 kemarin). Biasanya untuk menjadi member di BIM ini dikenakan biaya $497 per bulan atau $5,000 per tahun. Tapi bila anda join di team saya, biaya join BIM ini akan ditiadakan, alias GRATIS.   
Detail tentang Big Idea Mastermind bisa lihat disini.